Information Statement for participants In the Research Project:
Associate Professor Richard Fletcher
Family Action Centre
Faculty of Health and Medicine
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308
4921 6401 (Ph)
4921 8699 (Fax)

SMS4dads Professional Taster

You are invited to participate in the Professional Taster research project which is being conducted by Associate Professor Richard Fletcher, Faculty of Health and Medicine at the University of Newcastle. The SMS4dads program sends messages from SMS4dads to fathers from early in the pregnancy until the baby is 48 weeks old. This Professional Taster aims to give professionals an idea of how the text messages appear on a mobile phone.

Why is the research being done?

The Professional Taster aims to provide information to professionals in NSW Health or in associated services who may be inviting fathers to register for SMS4dads.

Who can participate in the research?

You can participate in this research if you are a professional who has an interest in how SMS4dads messages may be sent to your mobile phone. To participate in the study you will need to have a mobile phone that is capable of receiving text messages and internet access to complete a short online survey at the conclusion of the messages.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to:
- Complete an online consent form.
- Provide the name of your workplace, your role there and your gender.
- Provide a mobile phone number and email address.
- Receive nine SMS4dads example text messages over three weeks.
- Complete a brief survey on your response to the messages.

What choice do you have?

Participation in this research is entirely your choice. Only those people who give their informed consent will be included in the project. Whether or not you decide to participate, your decision will not disadvantage you.

Participants can withdraw without giving reason and all information provided by the participant for this research will be destroyed if they ask for this to be done. If you send a message withdrawing from the study and requesting that any information supplied by you be destroyed than SMS4dads will remove all of your details and any responses from the database.

How much time would it take?

Questionnaires usually take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Reading the text messages should take no more than a minute on each occasion.

What are the risks and benefits of participating?

We hope that participants will find better understand how SMS4dads text messages can be useful to new fathers and feel more confident explain the SMS4dads program to parents. There is potential that information in text messages or questionnaires could raise discussion about distressing issues, encourage distressing thoughts, or contribute to existing emotional or psychological issues. If you do become distressed through participation in this study you are encouraged to seek support through Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24 hours).

How will your privacy be protected?

Any information collected by researchers which might identify you will be stored securely and only accessed by the researcher team at the University of Newcastle unless you consent otherwise, except as required by law. Data will be retained for at least 5 years at the University of Newcastle, unless you asked for it to be destroyed.
Your information will remain confidential except in the case of a legal requirement to pass on personal information to authorised third parties. This requirement is standard and applies to information collected both in research and non-research situations. Such requests to access information are rare; however we have an obligation to inform you of this possibility.

How will the information collected be used?

The study outcomes may be used to develop a better understanding of how professionals view the messaging used to support fathers during the time before and after the arrival of a new baby. Study outcomes may also be published in journal articles or presented at conferences. Individual participants will not be identified in any reports arising from the project. A summary of the research results will be available to you upon request. You can either request this information on the attached survey or request this information by mailing or emailing Associate Professor Richard Fletcher.

What do you need to do to participate?

Complete the Professional Taster online information and consent forms on the join up pages at

Further information

If you would like further information please contact Richard Fletcher on (02) 4921 6401.

Thank you for considering this invitation.

Richard Fletcher, Chief Investigator

Complaints about this research

This project has been approved by the University of Newcastle’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Reference No. H-2016-0055. Should you have concerns about your rights as a participant in this research, or you have a complaint about the manner in which the research is conducted, it may be given to the researcher, or, if an independent person is preferred, you can contact the University of Newcastle’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia, telephone (02) 49217894, or email

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